DAC V1 is USB 2.0-compliant device and works with any USB cable (if cable is not faulty) with any USB host (if host is not faulty).
According to forum posts about S23, Samsung released some malfunctioning hardware, maybe even some revision, so the problem does not embrace all S23s. All USB DACs, or, as I understand, connected USB devices in general, may malfunction but the reason is in S23 and not in a connected USB device (just see forum posts, users are having issues with probably all popular DACs, if we are talking about audio devices, and even with USB storage devices).
Therefore nor we nor DAC V1 can be responsible for this situation.
You can of course order 15 cm CC cable (https://store.neutronhifi.com/products/ ... 2629365018) to try with your S23 but this experiment can not be at our cost if it fails. As I have explained earlier - we do not accept returns of working products when they were opened and used as we do not refurbish them and offer absolutely new, well tested devices and accessories to our users (see our Refund policy: https://store.neutronhifi.com/policies/refund-policy).
In previous post, blaubär pointed to some of posts on Samsung forums that one of S23 users got issue fixed by a combination of USB cables, most likely S23 has weak USB port. So you could try another cable, you could try finding any other in your location (try finding some short CC cable) in electronics shops if they offer possibility to try cables.