I will try and make this short. My phone is a Samsung Charge and I'm playing flac files. Files are stored in folder format Genre/Artist/Album on my memory card.
I have Chicago (The Band) Albums 1-8 & 19. Neutron combined Albums II, III, Vi and 19 all under Album VI.
Another issue:
Any album that is a 2 disk set, Neutron combines both disks and puts the songs under disk 2.
Ex. I have Albums labeled abc, disk 1 & abc, disk 2.
All the songs are put under abc, disk 2 and there is no abc, disk 1 in Neutrons library.
Album Sorting Issue [IN PROGRESS]
Re: Album Sorting Issue
Ok, I understood the problem. I will try to experiment and will resolve this issue soon. Thanks for reporting this!
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