Themes and Colors

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Themes and Colors

Post by blaubär » Sat Jan 23, 2021 1:16 pm

In Settings > User Interface > Appearance you can select themes. For each theme you can choose colors. You can create new themes, delete exiting ones and reset them to defaults.

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The terms used to designate the colors are somewhat irritating :P, here's a list of what they mean, as far as I could find out :
  • Panel somewhere in the background briefly visible in android while changing screens
  • Background background of all screens ( eq, playing now, track list )
  • Foreground: #L headings in settings, file info and track list, captions in spectrum and eq
  • Foreground: #S grid lines in spectrum, lines in track list, tracks in track list, background in file info content lines, background in settings headings
  • Foreground: #A slider in eq
  • Label: #1, Foreground text in settings and track list, captions on eq screen
    col-for-l.jpg (2.74 KiB) Viewed 40519 times
  • Label: #2, Foreground ?
  • Label: Background Background for values in settings, eq, compressor
    col-label.jpg (2.02 KiB) Viewed 40520 times
  • Playing Now: Label, Foreground text (song, time) in Playing now
    col-song.jpg (5.54 KiB) Viewed 40521 times
  • Playing Now: Format, Label, Foreground input/output info
    col-format.jpg (3.04 KiB) Viewed 40522 times
  • Button: Foreground foreground for buttons, top and bottom panel, triangle ssymbols in DSP effect plot
    col-button.jpg (3.29 KiB) Viewed 40523 times
  • Button: Backgroud part of background for sliders, buttons
  • Button: Label, Foreground ?
  • Button: #LED, Foreground Leds in eq, special symbols in Top Panel
    col-led.jpg (2.49 KiB) Viewed 40524 times
  • Icon: #GROUP icons for categories
  • Icon: #ITEM icons for elements
    col-icon.jpg (5.41 KiB) Viewed 40525 times
  • List: #DEF background of unselected list elements
  • List: #SEL background of selected list elements
    col-list.jpg (13.59 KiB) Viewed 40526 times
  • Slider: #DEF, Foreground frame of unselected sliders
  • Slider: #SEL, Foreground frame of selected sliders
  • Slider: #PRG, Foreground active part of slider
    col-slider.jpg (4.27 KiB) Viewed 40529 times
  • Spectrum Analyzer: Foreground spectrum bars (middle)
  • Spectrum Analyzer: Top spetrum bars (top)
  • Spectrum Analyzer: Bottom spectrum bars (bottom)
    col-spectrum.jpg (44.36 KiB) Viewed 40527 times
  • DSP Effect: Plot, Line the line in DSP effect plot
  • DSP Effect: Plot, Area the area in DSP effect plot
  • DSP Effect: Plot, Background the background of DSP effect plot
    col-dsp.jpg (8 KiB) Viewed 40528 times
Also see the discussion in User Interface .

Please notice the following little snag :P : when you edit a single color you can reset it to defaults. But there's only one default, and that is the default color of the default theme. So if you choose the gray or the light theme, edit a color, and reset it to defaults, it won't fit into the original theme. Workaround: reset the theme to defaults.

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Re: Themes and Colors

Post by blaubär » Sun Jan 24, 2021 7:23 am

The themes and colors are stored in an xml-file in Neutron's directory. You can use the files to copy them from one Neutron installation to another. Make sure to shut down Neutron and its processes ( close notifications on Android ) on the target platform.

theme-xml.jpg (33.67 KiB) Viewed 40496 times

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Joined: Tue Apr 02, 2019 6:48 am

Re: Themes and Colors

Post by blaubär » Mon Jan 25, 2021 6:45 pm

And here's my favourite theme :

Code: Select all

<theme name="Default" version="5" timestamp="1611385411">
<font id="default" scale="1.00"/>
<panel id="top" rgb="666666" a="0.700"/>
<panel id="bottom" rgb="666666" a="0.700"/>
<slider id="default" rgb="E69317" a="0.800"/>
<slider id="select" rgb="E65517" a="0.800"/>
<slider id="progress" rgb="DBAC1F" a="0.950" scale_h="1.00"/>
<spectrum id="bar_main" rgb="DADEF3" a="1.000"/>
<spectrum id="bar_top" rgb="CD0122" a="1.000"/>
<spectrum id="bar_bottom" rgb="7388D7" a="1.000"/>
<dsp_graph id="line" rgb="786BFF" a="1.000"/>
<dsp_graph id="surface" rgb="786BFF" a="0.400"/>
<dsp_graph id="bg" rgb="7388D7" a="0.100"/>
<pnow id="text" rgb="DADEF3" a="1.000"/>
<pnow id="text_bg" rgb="000000" a="0.000"/>
<pnow id="format" rgb="B3BDEA" a="1.000"/>
<color id="window_bg" rgb="000000" a="0.000"/>
<color id="common_d" rgb="DADEF3" a="1.000"/>
<color id="common_s" rgb="7388D7" a="1.000"/>
<color id="common_a" rgb="F8E007" a="1.000"/>
<color id="label_1" rgb="9B9AA0" a="1.000"/>
<color id="label_2" rgb="B3BDEA" a="1.000"/>
<color id="label_bg" rgb="000000" a="0.600"/>
<color id="button_fg" rgb="2EC23D" a="1.000"/>
<color id="button_bg" rgb="FFFFFF" a="1.000"/>
<color id="button_label" rgb="B3BDEA" a="1.000"/>
<color id="button_led" rgb="F1DA0D" a="1.000"/>
<color id="widget_button_fg" rgb="DADEF3" a="1.000"/>
<color id="widget_label" rgb="DADEF3" a="1.000"/>
<color id="widget_label_bg" rgb="000000" a="0.400"/>
<color id="widget_bg" rgb="000000" a="0.250"/>
<icon id="group" rgb="DADEF3" a="0.800"/>
<icon id="item" rgb="7388D7" a="0.500"/>
<list id="default" rgb="000000" a="0.800"/>
<list id="select" rgb="7388D7" a="0.400"/>
<rating id="1" rgb="FF0000" a="0.500"/>
<rating id="2" rgb="FFFF00" a="0.500"/>
<rating id="3" rgb="FF00FF" a="0.500"/>
<rating id="4" rgb="00FFFF" a="0.500"/>
<rating id="5" rgb="00FF00" a="0.500"/>

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Re: Themes and Colors

Post by NeveSomy » Tue Mar 08, 2022 1:48 pm

blaubär wrote:
Sat Jan 23, 2021 1:16 pm
[*] List: #SEL background of selected list elements
This setting does not work. I can not change the background of the track, which is played right now, in the track list when I use this parameter. Why? How to do it?
List.jpg (18.79 KiB) Viewed 39224 times

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Re: Themes and Colors

Post by blaubär » Tue Mar 08, 2022 2:43 pm

"Playing" doesn't mean "Selected" - long press the list entry, e.g. to invoke the file info, that is called "selected".

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Re: Themes and Colors

Post by NeveSomy » Tue Mar 08, 2022 2:57 pm

blaubär wrote:
Tue Mar 08, 2022 2:43 pm
"Playing" doesn't mean "Selected" - long press the list entry, e.g. to invoke the file info, that is called "selected".

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Re: Themes and Colors

Post by Caelin1 » Thu Dec 21, 2023 3:04 am

Hello, I thought I'd post my theme files that I made that make Neutron look way better. Here are a few themes I have made for myself that I thought I would share around. The forums' rules will not allow .xml file attachments, so here is the next best I can do.

Create a file called "theme_GrnPrp.xml" then copy and paste the below text into it. Afterwards, move this file into the NeutronMP folder on your device, then reload Neutron.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<theme name="Grapevine" version="5" timestamp="1611497589">
<font id="default" scale="0.90" />
<panel id="top" rgb="37F807" a="0.948" />
<panel id="bottom" rgb="37F807" a="0.000" />
<slider id="default" rgb="60799F" a="0.800" />
<slider id="select" rgb="7A91AF" a="0.800" />
<slider id="progress" rgb="EDEFFA" a="0.950" scale_h="2.50" />
<spectrum id="bar_main" rgb="5AFB04" a="1.000" />
<spectrum id="bar_top" rgb="5900FF" a="1.000" />
<spectrum id="bar_bottom" rgb="7388D7" a="1.000" />
<dsp_graph id="line" rgb="7F04FB" a="1.000" />
<dsp_graph id="surface" rgb="786BFF" a="0.400" />
<dsp_graph id="bg" rgb="7388D7" a="0.100" />
<pnow id="text" rgb="35FB04" a="1.000" />
<pnow id="text_bg" rgb="000000" a="1.000" />
<pnow id="format" rgb="35FB04" a="1.000" />
<color id="window_bg" rgb="000000" a="0.000" />
<color id="common_d" rgb="13F807" a="1.000" />
<color id="common_s" rgb="7F04FB" a="1.000" />
<color id="common_a" rgb="A600FF" a="1.000" />
<color id="label_1" rgb="9B9AA0" a="1.000" />
<color id="label_2" rgb="B3BDEA" a="1.000" />
<color id="label_bg" rgb="070707" a="0.600" />
<color id="button_fg" rgb="04FB1C" a="1.000" />
<color id="button_bg" rgb="FFFFFF" a="1.000" />
<color id="button_label" rgb="13F807" a="1.000" />
<color id="button_led" rgb="8000FF" a="1.000" />
<color id="widget_button_fg" rgb="33FF00" a="1.000" />
<color id="widget_label" rgb="35FB04" a="1.000" />
<color id="widget_label_bg" rgb="000000" a="0.400" />
<color id="widget_bg" rgb="000000" a="0.250" />
<icon id="group" rgb="DADEF3" a="0.800" />
<icon id="item" rgb="7388D7" a="0.500" />
<list id="default" rgb="000000" a="0.800" />
<list id="select" rgb="8000FF" a="0.709" />
<rating id="1" rgb="FF0000" a="0.500" />
<rating id="2" rgb="FFFF00" a="0.500" />
<rating id="3" rgb="FF00FF" a="0.500" />
<rating id="4" rgb="00FFFF" a="0.500" />
<rating id="5" rgb="00FF00" a="0.500" />
<eq_band id="1" line_rgb="FA4F05" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="FA4F05" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="2" line_rgb="FF9900" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="FF9900" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="3" line_rgb="FFBF00" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="FFBF00" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="4" line_rgb="F2FF00" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="F2FF00" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="5" line_rgb="CCFF00" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="CCFF00" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="6" line_rgb="80FF00" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="80FF00" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="7" line_rgb="33FF00" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="33FF00" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="8" line_rgb="00FF19" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="00FF19" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="9" line_rgb="00D9FF" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="00D9FF" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="10" line_rgb="00B2FF" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="00B2FF" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="11" line_rgb="008CFF" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="008CFF" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="12" line_rgb="0066FF" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="0066FF" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="13" line_rgb="8000FF" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="8000FF" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="14" line_rgb="B420DA" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="B420DA" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="15" line_rgb="DF1CCB" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="DF1CCB" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="16" line_rgb="FF0026" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="FF0026" area_a="0.004" />

Here are snippets of it so you can peruse what this theme looks like:
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Re: Themes and Colors

Post by Caelin1 » Thu Dec 21, 2023 3:09 am

Here is another theme I made called 'Summer Ice' as it uses blue, turquoise, and yellow and offset by a transparent (black) background.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<theme name="Summer Ice" version="5" timestamp="1702572958">
<font id="default" scale="0.90" />
<panel id="top" rgb="00FFFF" a="0.000" />
<panel id="bottom" rgb="00FFFF" a="1.000" />
<slider id="default" rgb="00FFFF" a="1.000" />
<slider id="select" rgb="00FFFF" a="1.000" />
<slider id="progress" rgb="00FFFF" a="0.950" scale_h="2.50" />
<spectrum id="bar_main" rgb="F8E007" a="1.000" />
<spectrum id="bar_top" rgb="0A22F4" a="1.000" />
<spectrum id="bar_bottom" rgb="0A22F4" a="1.000" />
<dsp_graph id="line" rgb="0A22F4" a="1.000" />
<dsp_graph id="surface" rgb="1AE1E1" a="0.822" />
<dsp_graph id="bg" rgb="35B555" a="0.000" />
<pnow id="text" rgb="00B2FF" a="1.000" />
<pnow id="text_bg" rgb="000000" a="0.862" />
<pnow id="format" rgb="00B2FF" a="1.000" />
<color id="window_bg" rgb="1A1A1A" a="0.031" />
<color id="common_d" rgb="14C9EA" a="1.000" />
<color id="common_s" rgb="0A68F4" a="1.000" />
<color id="common_a" rgb="0A22F4" a="1.000" />
<color id="label_1" rgb="00FFFF" a="1.000" />
<color id="label_2" rgb="00FFFF" a="1.000" />
<color id="label_bg" rgb="40467D" a="0.844" />
<color id="button_fg" rgb="00B2FF" a="1.000" />
<color id="button_bg" rgb="00FFFF" a="1.000" />
<color id="button_label" rgb="00B2FF" a="1.000" />
<color id="button_led" rgb="00B2FF" a="1.000" />
<color id="widget_button_fg" rgb="14C9EA" a="1.000" />
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<color id="widget_label_bg" rgb="14C9EA" a="0.000" />
<color id="widget_bg" rgb="070707" a="0.625" />
<icon id="group" rgb="CBCBCB" a="1.000" />
<icon id="item" rgb="CBCBCB" a="1.000" />
<list id="default" rgb="0A22F4" a="0.150" />
<list id="select" rgb="CBCBCB" a="1.000" />
<rating id="1" rgb="FF0000" a="0.500" />
<rating id="2" rgb="FFFF00" a="0.500" />
<rating id="3" rgb="FF00FF" a="0.500" />
<rating id="4" rgb="00FFFF" a="0.500" />
<rating id="5" rgb="00FF00" a="0.500" />
<eq_band id="1" line_rgb="FA4F05" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="FA4F05" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="2" line_rgb="FF9900" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="FF9900" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="3" line_rgb="FFBF00" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="FFBF00" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="4" line_rgb="F2FF00" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="F2FF00" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="5" line_rgb="CCFF00" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="CCFF00" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="6" line_rgb="80FF00" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="80FF00" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="7" line_rgb="33FF00" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="33FF00" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="8" line_rgb="00FF19" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="00FF19" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="9" line_rgb="00D9FF" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="00D9FF" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="10" line_rgb="008CFF" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="008CFF" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="11" line_rgb="5900FF" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="5900FF" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="12" line_rgb="A600FF" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="A600FF" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="13" line_rgb="CC00FF" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="CC00FF" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="14" line_rgb="0066FF" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="0066FF" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="15" line_rgb="DF1CCB" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="DF1CCB" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="16" line_rgb="FF0026" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="FF0026" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="18" line_rgb="CC00FF" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="CC00FF" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="19" line_rgb="EF04FB" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="EF04FB" area_a="0.004" />
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Last edited by Caelin1 on Thu Dec 21, 2023 3:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Themes and Colors

Post by Caelin1 » Thu Dec 21, 2023 3:12 am

Here is the orange / purple (Jackwitch) theme I created:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<theme name="Jackwitch" version="5" timestamp="1662870261">
<font id="default" scale="0.95" />
<panel id="top" rgb="8000FF" a="0.500" />
<panel id="bottom" rgb="8000FF" a="1.000" />
<slider id="default" rgb="FF7300" a="1.000" />
<slider id="select" rgb="F8F8F8" a="1.000" />
<slider id="progress" rgb="EF04FB" a="1.000" scale_h="2.50" />
<spectrum id="bar_main" rgb="FF7300" a="0.500" />
<spectrum id="bar_top" rgb="FFE600" a="1.000" />
<spectrum id="bar_bottom" rgb="8000FF" a="1.000" />
<dsp_graph id="line" rgb="31BC54" a="1.000" />
<dsp_graph id="surface" rgb="FF7300" a="0.500" />
<dsp_graph id="bg" rgb="5D0EF0" a="0.550" />
<pnow id="text" rgb="FF7300" a="1.000" />
<pnow id="text_bg" rgb="000000" a="0.200" />
<pnow id="format" rgb="FF7300" a="1.000" />
<color id="window_bg" rgb="3504FB" a="0.069" />
<color id="common_d" rgb="FF7300" a="1.000" />
<color id="common_s" rgb="CC00FF" a="1.000" />
<color id="common_a" rgb="0DFF00" a="1.000" />
<color id="label_1" rgb="F2F2F2" a="1.000" />
<color id="label_2" rgb="F2FF00" a="1.000" />
<color id="label_bg" rgb="282828" a="0.600" />
<color id="button_fg" rgb="FF7300" a="1.000" />
<color id="button_bg" rgb="FF7300" a="0.700" />
<color id="button_label" rgb="FF7300" a="1.000" />
<color id="button_led" rgb="FFFFFF" a="1.000" />
<color id="widget_button_fg" rgb="7F04FB" a="0.700" />
<color id="widget_label" rgb="FF7300" a="1.000" />
<color id="widget_label_bg" rgb="141414" a="0.700" />
<color id="widget_bg" rgb="3B3B3B" a="0.600" />
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<icon id="item" rgb="FF7300" a="0.500" />
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<list id="select" rgb="0DFF00" a="0.500" />
<rating id="1" rgb="048CFB" a="0.994" />
<rating id="2" rgb="00FF40" a="1.000" />
<rating id="3" rgb="F2FF00" a="0.997" />
<rating id="4" rgb="FFBF00" a="0.994" />
<rating id="5" rgb="F00E0E" a="0.500" />
<eq_band id="1" line_rgb="FA4F05" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="FA4F05" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="2" line_rgb="FF9900" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="FF9900" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="3" line_rgb="FFBF00" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="FFBF00" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="4" line_rgb="F2FF00" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="F2FF00" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="5" line_rgb="CCFF00" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="CCFF00" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="6" line_rgb="80FF00" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="80FF00" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="7" line_rgb="33FF00" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="33FF00" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="8" line_rgb="00FF19" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="00FF19" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="9" line_rgb="00D9FF" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="00D9FF" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="10" line_rgb="00B2FF" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="00B2FF" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="11" line_rgb="008CFF" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="008CFF" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="12" line_rgb="0066FF" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="0066FF" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="13" line_rgb="8000FF" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="8000FF" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="14" line_rgb="B420DA" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="B420DA" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="15" line_rgb="DF1CCB" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="DF1CCB" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="16" line_rgb="FF0026" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="FF0026" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="18" line_rgb="CC00FF" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="CC00FF" area_a="0.004" />
<eq_band id="19" line_rgb="EF04FB" line_a="0.900" area_rgb="EF04FB" area_a="0.004" />
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Re: Themes and Colors

Post by Caelin1 » Thu Dec 21, 2023 3:16 am

And the last one that I have:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<theme name="Transienesthesia" version="5" timestamp="1637899890">
<font id="default" scale="0.90" />
<panel id="top" rgb="FFE600" a="1.000" />
<panel id="bottom" rgb="FFE600" a="0.750" />
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