Instructions (how-to, faq)
Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 9:55 am
Currently Neutron supports user-side translation which every user is able to activate.
- 1) Extract 2 files strings.xml and strings_en_US.xml files from APK (/assets) to the folder where neutronmp.db is located: (/sdcard/NeutronMP, or /sdcard/Android/data/;
2) Translate strings_en_US.xml to the desired language;
3) Rename translated strings_en_US.xml by correcting the locale code 'en_US' to the locale you translated, for example 'ru_RU', so it would become: strings_ru_RU.xml;
4) Edit strings.xml, delete all entries except one to modify and point it to the file with translation, like this:5) Kill Neutron's process and re-start it;Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <locale> <file locale="ru_RU" name="strings_ru_RU.xml" version="1" default="0">Русский</file> </locale>
6) Additional translation option shall appear in: Neutron's UI -> Settings -> Interface Language.
- Q: I have XML file with translation, how to to provide it on this forum?
A: Simply create own thread and mention for which language this translation is.
Q: There is translation existing but I think mine is better! Shall I make another thread?
A: No, please post in the thread which already manages translation for this language. Your link will be moved to the heading 1-st post, so everybody will notice it.
Q: Why Neutron does not have these additional translations in standard?
A: Because Neutron's UI is under constant development and synchronizing many translations is problematic at the moment.
Q: The translation I am using is in yellow color in the Interface Language list, why is that?
A: Due to interface updates new strings may appear in strings_en_US.xml. Neutron has internal version for strings which can be seen in /NeutronMP.apk/assets/strings.xml file in 'version' field.
Q: Is there any PC application which may help in finding differences between old strings_en_US.xml and new?
A: There is excellent developer tool which allows to see differences of 2 text files - WinMerge: