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Strings (1.73.1)

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 8:01 pm
by dmitrykos
Version 1.73.1:
(23.01 KiB) Downloaded 1069 times
Diff 1.73.0 vs 1.73.1 with WinDiff:

Code: Select all

> 	<string name="DLG_UI__PBLIST_TITLE">PB LIST</string><string name="DLG_UI__PBLIST_DESC">Use only separate button to play tracks from the list.</string>
< 	<string name="DLG_DB__AFLD_TITLE">ALB FOLDER</string><string name="DLG_DB__AFLD_DESC">Make albums more unique by using the location of the music files.</string>
> 	<string name="DLG_DB__AFLD_TITLE">ALB FOLDER</string><string name="DLG_DB__AFLD_DESC">Make albums more unique by using absolute path to the album folder.</string>
> 	<string name="DLG_DB__ATAA_TITLE">ALB TAA</string><string name="DLG_DB__ATAA_DESC">Make albums more unique by using 'Album Artist' tag.</string>
> 	<!-- ProgressDialog -->
> 	<string name="DLG_PROGRESS__TITLE">SCAN PROGRESS</string>
> 	<string name="DLG_PROGRESS_COUNT_FILE_TITLE">Files processed:</string>
> 	<string name="DLG_PROGRESS_CURDIR_TITLE">Current folder:</string>
< 	<string name="LBL__ZERO_PATH">ERROR: Zero path!</string>
> 	<string name="LBL__ZERO_PATH">ERR: check if storage is accessible </string>
> 	<string name="LBL__ZERO_PATH_QNX">ERR: enable Shared Files permission in OS</string>

Re: Strings (1.73.1)

Posted: Sat May 13, 2017 7:03 pm
by lexicon4
It is great!!!!! Thanks for so great experience. I just copy my language files in and... voila, language was changed
Thanks. It's application is great