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Download and installation of Linux version Neutron Player?

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2022 10:27 am
by Neutronlux
Here you write there is also Linux Version of Neutron Player available.
... Platform:
PC: Microsoft Windows (XP SP2 and newer), Linux, OSX.
Mobile: Android, iOS, Windows 10.
Console: By request.

But where is it available? I am using Linux Manjaro based on archlinux.

Re: Download and installation of Linux version Neutron Player?

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2022 11:35 am
by blaubär
Neutronlux wrote:
Mon Oct 17, 2022 10:27 am
Here you write there is also Linux Version of Neutron Player available.
But where is it available? I am using Linux Manjaro based on archlinux.
As I understand it that page doesn't refer to the player or the recorder but to the "Neutron HiFi™ Audio Engine" software, which was used to implement the apps.
Neutron Music Player and Neutron Audio Recorder applications are driven by the in-house developed, mature and highly sophisticated Neutron HiFi™ Audio Engine. Our software can also be used for games, simulation and other software that requires high-resolution audio functionality.
Feel free to contact for clarification.