Release Notes:
Code: Select all
* New Microphone -> Volume Limit option: to adjust/limit the microphone volume.
* Double-tap Activity -> Sensitivity option can be set up to -8: less sensitive (default is 0).
* Support for:
- bare console output (no logs) with -b or --bare switch
- connection timeout in milliseconds with -to --timeout MILLISECONDS, useful for get commands
- get command to get EQ filter in JSON format: -get_eqf or --get_dsp_eq_filter BAND CHANNEL_MASK
Since 1.6.3 NConfigurator supports console-only mode of operation (details on ASR forum: ... 889/page-6). To use it like that just add command line parameters when starting NConfigurator from the command line. The first command you will want:
NConfigurator --help