Code: Select all
* Native support for x86 + SSE2 (Intel: Atom).
* Settings -> Languages expanded to: 中文 (繁体), 中文 (简体), 한국어, 日本語, Việt, ไทย, Deutsch, Italiano, Français, Español, ελληνικά, Português, Magyar, Polski, العربية.
* New category: Years.
* New Android widget 4x4.
* Gain & Preamp sliders support manual entry: touch the (label + value) on top of slider.
* On playback start reconnect streaming entry if expired.
* Improved SMB/CIFS tolerance to wrong server packets resulting in better scanning.
* Improved SMB/CIFS directory enumeration handling.
* Improved Network Source setup UI logic.
* Improved lists to fit more data.
* Improved properties/info dialog for streaming url: more information, updated dynamically if Playing Now information changes.
* Improved tolerance to HTML garbage when loading M3U playlist.
* Improved various UI elements and mechanics.
! Fixed default Reply Gain value is restored to 0 dB on restart.
! Fixed Tamil language glyphs missing in some UI parts.
! Fixed not sorting by Track Nr. modes: Album; Year,Album; Artist,Year,Album, Default.
! Fixed streaming title could not be displayed if name contained '.
! Fixed album art of SMB/CIFS source not displayed on Android.
! Fixed some crashes.
BB10 10.2:
! Workaround for device power status OS bug.
* Revert to default sorting mode but using fast algorithm.
! Fixed incorrect loading of non-standard CUE.
! Fixed source could fail to create due to bad metadata of music file.
! Fixed UI could not react to touches on some firmwares.
* Support Replay Gain for TTA.
! Fixed crash during scanning.
* Improved default sorting.
* Improved sorting by filename by comparing absolute path and using natural sorting algorithm.
* Do not break playback if other tracks are ignored/deleted.
* Detect mp4/mov file container if file has extension mp3 to avoid mp3 decoder taking too long to throw error.
! Fixed font loading bug which could result in missing glyphs for Korean or Chinese languages.
! Fixed Audio Hardware -> Speaker Config UI selection.
! Fixed not starting on Android 2.1 (assets error).
* Queue -> Unique: avoid duplicate tracks.
* Audio Hardware -> CPU Wake Lock: prevent CPU from sleeping if screen is turned off on some firmwares.
* Refactored settings.
* Relaxed Crossfeed effect limits: frequency can be half of hw frequency, feed level 0.01 - 60
* Improved tolerance for errors in AAC stream.
* Natural sorting of folder names [fld1, fld2, fld20] instead of [fld1, fld20, fld2].
* Support multifile CUE and display correct duration for such CUEs.
* Improved handling of [+/- EQ] if dialog was opened during source refresh.
* Modify progress timers according Tempo setting.
* Shutdown audio stream once paused.
! Fixed instability on Android 4.3.
! Fixed could not check SMB/CIFS source availability on app start.
! Fixed SMB/CIFS source could not be unignored in Sources.
! Fixed crash in UI if Source properties window opened, sources refreshed, user pressed [SCAN].
! Fixed freezing if SMB/CIFS source created and URL is not accessible (do not try referencing album art from ignored sources).
! Fixed Queue is cleared if track is ignored/deleted.
! Fixed CUE could not locate music file it CUE encoding wasn't UTF-8.
! Fixed internet stream could freeze process if URL not accessible.
! Fixed fast backward.
! Fixed duplicate tracks in Queue could not be loaded on application start.
! Fixed high CPU consumption on BB 10.1+ OS versions (workaround for OS spamming with system event).
! Fixed purple (overload notification) LED blinking constantly on PlayBook.
* Improved SMB/CIFS performance (considerably): scanning, changing track.
* Support RemoteControlClient for custom lockscreen/widget apps.
* Touching timer labels will toggle larger/normal font size.
* New Pitch Shifter DSP effect with better quality and without echo effect.
* Better volume slider placement.
* Start playing from widget play button even if process needs to start.
* Prevent accidental playback if process restarted by OS and line-out has connection
* List logic improvement.
* Skip ignored albums in Albums -> NORMALIZE.
! Fixed sorting to be case insensitive.
! Fixed pitch had the same value loaded as tempo on process start.
! Fixed rating stars misaligned.
! Fixed crash on 32/64 mode switch if Rumble Filter was active.
* Format info on bottom panel (can be hidden with [...] on tag area).
* Labels with values under sleep, wake, rg.
* Support Replay Gain declarations in CUE.
* Improved precision of months arrow for Clock widget.
! Fixed stars in-UI widget misplaced on hi-res screens.
! Fixed crash on 24-bit TAK.
! Fixed missing sorting mode buttons in group SETUP dialog.
! Fixed Crossfeed presets are not well reacting to the press.
! Fixed crash on long-press on tag of internet stream in Playing Now screen.
! Fixed wrong track duration when opening CUE as external file.
! Fixed dialogs could not appear if UI updates suspended (power saving).
! Fixed source Ignore state could be preserved if source deleted and new is created after it.
! Fixed top/bottom panels closed on dialog exit with [BACK] button.
! Fixed Mini widget play/stop button malfunction.
! Fixed Control widget play/stop button obscured.
* New unified UI layout design.
* Updated widgets.
* Support for Recently Added category in Playlists.
* Support ASPX as playlist.
* Disable RMS processing (also for UI) if Settings -> Automatic Gain Protection is switched off to save CPU.
* Tempo will have pitch compensation effect.
* Tempo/pitch separate effects.
* Improved CPU consumption.
! Fixed input events handling on SGS4.
! Fixed long lists (>20k) not opened.
! Many other fixes and improvements.
* Improved memory consumption during huge music collection scanning.
* Use full screen for UI elements when toolbar is visible (will reset active dialogs on re-orientation).
* Settings -> Database -> ALB TAA option: to make albums more unique by using album-artist tag information (when uniqueness by absolute path is not suitable).
* Settings -> UI -> PB LIST option: to disable tap action for starting/pausing track in the list.
* More informative native progress dialog when scanning/creating new source.
* Do not show UI -> REV.TIMER setting in Power Saver mode.
* Fixed UI elements could be mispositioned when toolbar is visible (tablets/FULLSCREEN off).
* Ability to edit position of track in playlist (M3U only): long-press track in playlist -> POSITION.
* Settings -> Replay Gain: GAIN W/O 'RG' option to apply default RG gain.
* Uknown artist/album are shown in Database lists as -/-.
* Allow IPv6 address for SMB/CIFS.
* Allow IP:PORT notation for SMB/CIFS address.
* Try resolving absolute Windows path (with drive letter) to relative path in playlists.
* Added Sleep Timer to Settings.
* Faster cold-start.
* Autoscroll lists (demo) when they become visible (disable: Settings -> UI -> DEMO LIST).
* Expand range of UI -> LIST DAMPING setting.
* Increase max scrolling speed for lists.
* Display External SD in a pretty way.
! Fixed tags displayed in Clock screen when sleep timer is on and i-radio is playing.
! Fixed lookup field not appearing correctly in landscape mode.
! Fixed audio core could be silenced completely with abnormally high Replay Gain.
! Fixed long-press could be invoked occasionally.
! Fixed mispositioned UI elements after UI -> FULLSCREEN setting modified.
! Fixed genre is not correctly detected if genre string contained leading number,like '90s'.
! Fixed metadata could not be updated for streaming entry in specific situation.
! Fixed possible UI elements misplacement on tabs with toolbar always visible.
! Fixed FLAC decoder could crash process due to broken audio stream (to many log messages).
! Fixed unicode range not detected 'CJK Symbols And Punctuation' resulting in missing symbols.
! Avoid listening to stock music service [shuffle] & [loop] commands if A2DP is disabled in Settings -> Headset / ...
* Support for square screens (x == y).
* Plain text authentication for SMB/CIFS (switch off LM+NTLM, NTLM,...).
* Do RPC call always to enumerate shares with long names (>13).
* More information to SMB entries when enumerated through sub-network.
! Fixed long-press not working reliably.
! Fixed individual login/password not assigned to endpoint if browsing through sub-network.
! Avoid sending password in plain text for Guest SMB/CIFS session.
! Fixed rare UI bug causing crash on UI start.
1.71.1 (BlackBerry):
* Ability to share music file through other BB10 apps: long press on track in the track list - press (SHARE) button to select destination.
* Improved CPU consumption when Idle.
* Modified audio overloading notification LED from Red to Magenta to avoid confusion with other system notifications.
! Fixed some internet streams could be interrupted with (LOADING...).
! Fixed sporadic audio interruptions when in background and other apps used.
! Fixed audio cuts randomly on specific Internet streams with occasionally damaged data.
! Fixed MusePack format disabled.
! Fixed left UI anchor not working sometimes.
v.1.71.1 (Android):
! Fixed HTTP audio streaming not working in 1.71.0.
* Settings -> Database -> IGNORE PREF: option to ignore The, A, An prefixes of album, artist, title names when sorting.
* Settings -> Network -> SOURCE UPDATE FREQUENCY: option to enable SMB/CIFS source automatic state update (enables/disables source).
* Improved CPU consumption when Idle (only Android).
* Fixed MusePack format disabled (only Android).
! Fixed playback sometimes stopped on A2DP connect when Controls -> AUTO-PLAY is on.
! Fixed playback stopped on A2DP disconnect when Controls -> AUTO-STOP is off.
! Fixed bug when UI elements could be displaced when not in fullscreen mode.
* Improved audio re-routing speed when A2DP is attached/detached.
* Improved resampling quality to allow more bandwidth for high frequencies and to match original quality as close as possible: QUALITY, AUDIOPHILE.
* Ability to temporarily disable Source entries (press on source entry icon to disable/enable).
* Support for Windows 7/8 network shares enumeration.
* Improve performance of media database interaction in UI.
* Use official (vanilla) WavPack decoder (WVC is supported).
! Fixed SMB/CIFS file could loose connection during Idle.
! Fixed SMB/CIFS track without progress set on initial player start.
! Enlarge timeout for network stream to avoid occasional reconnection during playback.
! Fixed metadata could be cleared for Internet streams with dynamically interchanging metadata.
! Fixed auth information not always updated in network management dialog (could confuse during SMB/CIFS setup).
! Fixed genre names containing numbers could not seen in the database.
! Fixed playlist blank if located in /shared/music/playlists and has relative references to folders inside /shared/music.
* Enable haptic feedback (Settings -> Haptic Feedback).
* Enable AC power related functionality:
- Settings -> User Interface -> PowerLock: keep screen on if power is provided,
- Settings -> ... \ Controls -> POWER-PLAY: start playback when USB attached,
- Settings -> ... \ Controls -> POWER-STOP: stop playback when USB detached.
! Temporarily disable invocation of Neutron on music files in attempt to fix external SD problem.
! Fixed album art not showing on volume widget when hardware volume buttons are pressed on device.
* NTLMv2 authentication option for SMB/CIFS.
* Replace LM authentication with NTLM & LM for SMB/CIFS.
* Settings -> UI: OS NOTIFY option to switch off notifications of metadata/state sent to OS (OFF if other music players are crashing).
* Safe DB operation when scanning music files to avoid 'Zero path!'.
* Fixed could not save empty User and Password for network endpoint.
* Fixed UTF8 metadata could be garbled if generated from folder name.
* Fxed Controls -> POWER-PLAY/-STOP depend on UI -> POWER LOCK.
* Fixed current track album art not updated due to [Refresh].
! Fixed playlists over network could not be loaded.
! Fixed music could not be scanned (Zero Path) in specific situation (if non UTF tags).
* Support CIFS/SMB to source files from NAS, PCs on LAN/Internet.
* Support dynamic tags inside music streams over Internet.
* Support playlist generating ASX links.
* Support TAK format.
* [+ PLAYLIST] button to Queue settings screen.
* Setttings: Controls -> POWER-PLAY/-STOP setting to start/stop playback when external power supply is connected/disconnected (UI -> POWERLOCK must be ON).
* UI caching for fast UI start-up.
* Improved threading code to relax CPU.
! Fixed Replay Gain applied with delay for Power Saver mode, or when screen is OFF.
! Fixed some AIFF files failed to open.
! Fixed track could re-start playback if alone in the playlist.
! Fixed trailing seconds could be cut of playlist tracks.
! Fixed tracks swithing prev/next logic for SHUFFLE on LOOP[T].
! Fixed rare failure of music files scanning if path contained double-quotes.
! Fixed music files scanning failure if music file metadata contained double-quotes.
! Fixed some Internet links not playing due to not encoded link to music file.
! Fixed pressing on screen changing buttons could cause screen going to wrong direction and hide.
! Fixed artist could disappear from Artists if it was one of Various Artists when Database -> ALB ARTIST switched on.
! Fixed some album art external images could not be registered in DB.
! Fixed sorting of track in multi-disc albums if disc # is ignored.
! Fixed absolute paths displayed in Folders section in specific situation.
! Fixed 'Songs of this level' shown instead of track list when folder does not have sub-folders.
! Improved ENQUEUE, DEQUEUE, -+ PLAYLIST logic.
! Fixed playlist not playing from NAS accessed by ES File Browser.
! Fixed UI elements misplaced on some devices.
! Some UI adjustments.
! Fixed UI closed by toolbar if in non-FULSCREEN mode.
! Fixed default track lists not sorted properly according location.
! Fixed proximity sensor functionality visible on devices without it.
! Fixed missing RINGTONE button on track properties screen.
! Fixed possible random failures of database operations.
* Improved UI engine: render to screen resolution for high graphics quality.
* Advanced Sleep Timer setup (long press on SLEEP button in Controls screen).
* ID3 AIFF tags support (art, metadata).
* UI - SWIPE PLAY: auto-swipe to Playing now screen when track playback started from the Playlist screen.
* Database - IGNORE DISC: prevent album splitting by the disc number.
* Support AOB extension for the Audio-CD/DVD tracks.
* Improved track swiping.
* Auto-position list to the newly created playlist.
* Re-position list when playlist is renamed.
* Ability to assign EQ preset to HDMI.
* AUTO DSP: change to Surround if Speaker becomes active.
! Fixed embedded album art not showing on network files: MP3, TTA.
! Fixed CUE tracks could not be loaded from external playlist file.
! Fixed crash when dialog window closing with opened search field.
! Fixed not Gapless if tracks playing from playlist.
Track swiping in Playing Now screen: Settings -> UI -> enable SWIPE.TRCK.
Support Matroska format: MKV - audio only, MKA.
Support streaming from HTTPS urls if encryption is not used by server (enables operation with Dropbox client APP and urls).
Improved OPUS, TTA, MusePack formats: album art, replay gain.
Improved album art lookup if music file in not in Neutron's DB.
Improved playlists handling: long-press Playlists to RESCAN all playlists' changes.
Fixed list progress not saved correctly.
Fixed Lyrics last text line could be trashed if in UTF-16 format.
Fixed rounding of replay gain display value.
Fixed 'Zero path!' problem in specific case after RESCAN.
Fixed rotations in orientation lock mode.
* Support playlist file loaded from HTTP server and referencing internal music files:
* Support references to other playlists inside M3U playlist (including network ref.).
* Support MusePack format over network.
! Fixed crash on album art loading in case of out-of-memory error.
* Playlist management: create new, save, tracks: sort, add, remove.
* List: remember track position if re-entered with SET/PLAY button, save positions to DB.
* Settings -> Audio Hardware: option to set speaker configuration.
* Settings -> UI: split DISPLAY TRANSPARENCY to P/L.
* Toggle keyboard up/down by pressing on search text field repeatedly.
* If number entered in lookup field then track is searched by its index.
* Speedup access to Folders section.
* Improved sorting of Folders -> All folders entries.
* Improved performance of playlists, source entries loading.
* Improved widgets handling (performance).
* Improved CPU consumption for all archs.
! Fixed 8-bit FLAC support.
! Fixed CUE sheet ignored on small sized FLACs (< 20 min).
! Fixed album art not shown sometimes if music playing from playlist file.
! Fixed Lyrics in UTF-16 and Latin codepage not read correctly.
! Fixed orientation blocked in Portrait mode on some devices.
! Fixed Crossfeed/Surround UI dialogs missing presets.
! Fixed memory leak in rare situation when scrolling folder list with album art.
! Fixed rare crash on installation/autoscanning.
! Fixed show keyboard if hidden while text field still visible.
! Fixed incorrect queue usage when streaming playlist is loaded.
! Fixed rare crash on UTF-8 encoded playing now info in streaming audio.
* Ability to sort Queue manually by long-press on entry and drag & drop actions (can be disabled in Queue settings, SORT MODE).
* Use OpenSL ES as default audio driver (use Audio Hardware -> GENERIC DRV for old driver).
* Settings -> Audio Hardware -> GENERIC DRV: to fall back to old AudioTrack output.
* Reworked usage of SET button to SET & PLAY.
* Support CMYK/YCCK jpegs (missing art).
* Enable FLAC format for network streaming by URL.
* Correctly reposition to next/prev entry while deleting/ignoring current track.
* Manually selected track for playback will be removed from shuffle list.
* Support DTS format.
* Improved ASX playlist support.
* Resolve HTTP 301/302 errors for streams/playlists.
* Resolve indirect URLs to playlists (allows to play SHOUTCAST.COM directory URLs directly, no need to save PLS).
* Use UI - DISPLAY TRANSPARENCY setting to modify landscape display.
* More NEON optimizations.
! Fixed AAC format not fully gapless (iTunSMPB tag is obligation!).
! Fixed normal Preamp gain not saved correctly when normalized tracks switching.
! Fixed Preamp gain going low sometimes (especially between normalized and non normalized tracks) during crossfading.
! Fixed loop mode sometimes getting reset on Neutron process start.
! Fixed NRT mode crash if buffer failed to decode [was crashing Neutron's normalizer].
! Fixed shuffle history not correct when list is set with SET & PLAY.
! Fixed landscape rotation could not be fixed after display off/on in Clock mode.
! Fixed crash if on track switch from Playlist screen with Dynamic queue ON.
! Fixed crash on UI enter if track stopped, has progress >90%, Dynamic queue ON.
! Fixed scrobbling of track multiple times on UI re-enter if it was stopped on >90% progress.
! Fixed Unicode UTF-16 encoded text could be displayed in reverse order.
! Fixed indexing of enqueued entries.
! Fixed Genre not accessible after sorting is set for Songs (required UI re-enter to work again).
* Support network stream metadata: playing now tags, autoupdate of Streaming entry.
* Ability to paste copied text from outside of Neutron UI for Streaming entry edits.
* Gapless zero trimming mode for all non-gapless formats (Gapless -> TRIM ZERO).
* Improved album art handling (loading, lists, DB refreshing).
* Expand to 32-bits for module formats by default and to 64-bits in 64-bit mode for better quality.
! Fixed passive updating routine which might be causing incorrect CPU usage.
! Fixed UI not refreshing properly causing lags and increased CPU usage.
! Fixed track change inside Neutron UI when not playing not updating info for widgets.
! Fixed non-async buffer usage for NRT mode (normalization).
* Fade-out 1/2 second (default, tunable) when Stop pressed.
* Setting UI -> STOP FADE-OUT: to adjust fadeout time for Stop.
* Expand NIGHT button input event sensitivity zone.
* Use proximity sensor to control playback: close sensor with hand = play/stop, 1 wave = next, 2 waves = prev (will work on devices with proximity sensor only!, find in Settings -> Headset/Jack -> PROX-CTRL option).
* Support for OPUS format.
* Improved performance of album art lookup.
* Speedup Playlist -> Album section when scrolling it.
* Improved parsing of year in ID3v2 tags by honoring only first 4 digits.
* Enabled 64-bit index precision of resampling core under 64-bit mode for greater quality (enable 64-bit mode: Settings -> 64-Bit Rendering).
* Force AAC decoder into 32-bit decoding mode.
* ReplayGain for M4A files.
* Phase Inversion (Settings -> Audio Hardware -> option PHASE INV.).
* Ability to clear rating group (long-press on Rating group entry -> CLEAR).
* Option to ignore Modular files metadata (Settings -> Database -> NOMETA MOD).
* Option to prefer album art from tags rather than from image files (Settings -> Database -> ART TAG).
* Do not try opening hiperlinks inside file-based playlists during scanning/refreshing.
! Fixed CUE last entry not playing in condition when track has to end beyond the real size.
! Fixed reading of ID3v2 tags if they contain empty Lyrics frame.
! Fixed AAC/ALAC formats broken (not playing) in 1.62.6.
! Fixed last entry of CUE could not be played in specific situation.
! Fixed Database -> ALB FOLDER option causing duplicate album entries for CUEs.
* Better integration into BlackBerry OS UI: Suspend/restore UI instead of destruction and destroy it only if 15 minutes invisible.
* Improved performance by using low-level access to audio driver.
* Support for audio device changes: switching to HDMI and back (please report on Forum if does not work).
! Fixed sluttering when backgrounded (tested but please report on Forum if sluttering still exists).
! Fixed line-out/jack in/out event handling for 10 Dev Alpha.
! Fixed logic to prevent random sluttering (especially during file I/O).
! Fixed front cover lookup for case sensitive file systems.
! Fixed Settings -> Audio Hardware -> MONO option causing Neutron not starting up.
* New Settings -> Database -> ROOT FOLDER option: to start folder listing from '/' (fix for those not having mount in '/mnt').
* Add delay for Power Saver mode change.
* Improved touch down handling on systems with many input events.
! Improved Arabic/Hebrew support.
! Fixed AGP not active if UI wasn't started.
! Fixed playback not stopped on incoming phone call.
! Fixed crash on Ignore list if entry name is empty.
! Fixed logics of Dir ignoring: top-level directory ignoring will cause corresponding Source entry deletion.
- Remove UI ONLY option for AGP.
* 64-bit core is built-in and can be activated by: Settings -> 64-bit Rendering.
* Ability to bind EQ preset to output device types: Speaker, W.Jack, A2DP.
* Setting -> AGP option: STRENGTH, to modify strength of gain correction.
* Settings -> UI option: LIST DAMPING, to modify list velocity damping.
* Expand HW latency to max 2 seconds.
* Optimized performance of non-NEON version by around 15% (tested on GT-I9100).
* Improved CPU consumption and faster reaction on events when in Idle mode.
* Fade-out music when Sleep timer switches off playback.
* Ability to choose active weekday for Wake Timer.
! Fixed rare instability of UI on input some multi-core devices.
! Fixed music scanning on remote drives/shares.
! Faster phone specific event handling for smoother audio transition.
! Fixed /cache/temp folder on some OS versions could have undeletable files.
* Support for M4A lyrics.
* Support Arabic, Hebrew.
* Option to lock in Landscape mode if autorotation disabled.
* Improved gapless MP3 (Settings -> Gapless ...).
* Allow files be recognized when located on remote/shared drive.
* Improved rating bar usability.
* Display transparency setting (Settings -> UI ...).
* Auto-REBUILD DB when changing Database settings.
! Fixed instability.
! Fixed 24-bit AIFF.
! Fixed crash on external file playback.
! Fixed file list sorting not in ASC.
! Fixed duplicate entries in file playlist.
! Fixed UI invoked on 'screen on' if 'Settings -> Lock Screen disabled'.
! Fixed rare crash on Neutron Display 4x3 widget.
! Fixed seek bar can be touched during animation from Playing Now to Control screen.
! Fixed playback starting when phone call completed and headset detached from jack.
! Fixed first track exported CUE to playlist playing full CUE file.
! Fixed M4A album art not visible in albums list.
* Rating system (manual 5-star panel, 'Ratings' section in Playlist screen).
* Improved sorting order of: 'Album, Year & Album' type.
* Added '/mnt/emmc' for path guessing of playlist files.
* Support Replay Gain in ID3v2 tags (RVA/RVA2).
* Support Lyrics in ID3v2 tags (ULT/USLT).
* Improved overall performance.
* Advanced Replay Gain support: see additonal settings.
* Better button label visibility & animation.
* On/Off GAPLESS decoder mode: Settings -> Playback Mode.
* Settings -> Database: options to switch off capitalization of names.
* Fixed not opening UI level for track if: Folders -> All folders ->...
* Fixed speed of swiping from user action.
* Fixed wrong album year parsed from ID3v2.3+ tags in spec. situation.
* Fixed CUE tracks not loaded in Queue.
* Fixed CUE entries duration calculation.
* Fixed random song not chosen when: Service = OFF & UI -> HISTORY = OFF.
* Fixed stuck in a loop when single track finished playback.
* Fixed logic of some setting dialogs.
* Improved swipe layer event handling.
* Ability to share music file (long-press music entry -> SHARE).
* Album date parsing.
* Sorting options: by 'Artist, Year & Album'; 'Year & Album'.
* Extended music entry menu (long-press) when in Queue.
* RealAudio Lossless codec.
! Fixed album/artist splitter showing incorrect info sometimes when list moving up.
! Fixed swipe acceleration to the left not causing screen to change sometimes.
! Fixed pressing on track not always showing its UI level.
* Better landscape layout for widgets.
* Exclude progress bar areas from screen swipe reaction.
* Better screen swiping animation.
! Fixed (reverted) decoder for AAC, ALAC,...
! Fixed wrong tags of music entries referenced by playlist files.
! Fixed list scroller hiding under finger when holding it.
! Fixed Neutron widgets compatibility with launchers (Apex,...) on ICS.
! Fixed other possible compatibility issues introduced in 1.58.
* Swype left/right (including animation) for screens.
* Separators between songs if list sorted by Album/Artist.
* Pressing CLOCK will let playback to continue if SLEEP is active.
* Improved lookup logic for music references of playlist files.
* Long-press PREV/NEXT in playlist screen switches level to very top or bottom.
* Improved widgets layout to be better with landscape orientation.
* Remove skipped entry for Dynamic Queue on NEXT.
! Fixed orientation to default for devices without gyroscope (on-board car system for example).
! Fixed Dynamic Queue not auto-playing if cleared and replaced with new content while player was playing old queue.
! Fixed Dynamic Queue not replacing playback of song from old queue.
! Fixed doubling of albums if album name was different in music file and CUE.
* Song lookup button/function for Normalizer window.
* Show track counter for Dynamic Queue.
* Better lookup results for song entries.
! Remove REPLACE queue, add CLEAR in ENQUEUE for group.
! Fixed last track locking playback status when removed by Dynamic Queue.
! Fixed album art sometimes could not be shown on exit from spectrum analyzer widget.
* Lyrics -> TIMESTAMPS option to enable/disable timestamps for synch. lyrics.
* Queue -> AUTOPLAY option.
* Queue -> REPLACE option.
! Fixed crash if Lyrics is disabled in Settings.
! Fixed crash if Queue -> DYNAMIC enabled and doing PREV to history.
! Fixed incompatibility with some devices and custom OS versions (reverted to <= 1.55.2 setup).
! Fixed Interface Language dialog not showing current locale.
* Use audio focus (Settings -> Audio Hardware -> AUDIO FOCUS).
* 4x3 widget.
* Support non-synchronized lyrics (LRC, TXT).
* OFFSET button for Lyrics window.
* UI-> Settings -> Lyrics options.
! Fixed external streaming URLs not playing.
! Fixed streaming state messages for Power Saver mode.
! Fixed notifications broken for some AVRCP devices.
! Fixed headset button blocked by Neutron when phone is active.
! Fixed some rare crashes.
* Pressing tags on display will open UI level of the track.
* Support synchronized lyrics: .LRC files.
* Power Saver UI mode.
* Settings -> UI: reverse timer mode.
* Support APE, WV cuesheet tag.
* Source will be named with short name of source directory.
* Show as many as possible directories in Source entry.
* Filter Folders option for EQ preset window.
* Dynamic queue: long press Queue -> DYNAMIC.
* Memorize UI list positions in each level on UI exit.
* Filter Folders option for EQ preset window.
* NEON: RMS core.
! Fixed media buttons not blocked on
! Fixed scrobbling if UI -> SCROBBLE is enabled.
! Fixed Rewind button not releasing fast backward during long press.
! Fixed SETTINGS button not visible on first enter to Playlist screen.
! Fixed compatibility with Simple scrobbler.
* Improved long press of headset buttons: Rewind causes fast backward.
* Improved localizations handling, details on Neutron forum -> Localization.
! Fixed crash on MPC format.
! Fixed rare crash on next song when album is dequeued while its song was playing from queue.
* Long pressing the headset/play hardware button on causes fast forward.
* Tags embedded multi-image album art scrolling.
* Up/Down buttons are self pressing in a loop when long pressed.
* Improved Pitch dialog.
* Option in Settings -> UI to force full-sized album art.
! Fixed long press not working for hardware buttons (fast forward/backward).
! Fixed mp4 tags not using 'Album Artist' and 'Disk' data.
! Fixed incorrect counting of albums for artists.
! Fixed memory leak when Normalize queue is empty and Settings -> Normalizer pressed.
! Fixed album art sometimes not shown in widgets after screen off and then on.
! Fixed rare crash when exporting the Queue.
! Improved stability in some cases.
* Database option to sort various artists by 'Album Artist' tag: Settings -> Database -> GROUP VA.
* Ability to apply pitch to playback: Settings -> Pitch (on/off, setup).
! Аixed UI layaout broken when switching off Clock mode with AUTOROTATE disabled.
! Fixed manual EQ presets deleting by Neutron.
* Fully functional Landscape mode and UI refresh.
* Multi-album/-folder normalization.
* Normalizer progress in Settings.
* UI performance improvements.
* UI option to disable album art in landscape.
* Async load of album art.
! Do not load album art when screen off.
! Fixed AVRCP BT broken in 1.52.
! Fixed scrobbling.
! Fixed albums not sorted in Genre section.
! Disable NPOT feature.
! Disable screens swap option for landscape.
! Update display (clock mode) wake timer is set.
! Fixed portrait UI broken if AUTOROTATE is ON.
! Fixed SWAP MAIN reset to ON when rotating device.
! Db option .nomedia tag is off by default (for new DB).
! Fixed locale reset to en_US on each update (this update will still reset it).
! Fixed album art scrolling buttons not displayed after UI re-enter.
* Interactive notification for ICS and higher.
* Delete file/playlist from the storage.
* % setting for REWIND on PREV (Settings -> UI).
* Support for multi-disc albums.
* Сrossfade when rewinding.
* Support for exported CUE entries in M38U.
* Option Settings -> DB to ignore .nomedia file-tag.
! Fixed fast-fwd/bwd HW keys not working.
! Improved ID3v1 handling.
! Auto-refresh when done unignoring.
! Fixed album art parsing.
! Fixed shuffle on small playlists.
! Revert notifications.
! Performance optimizations.
! NEON: optimized RACEFilter.
* Improved lookup result matching.
* AGP: reset gain to current Preamp value which was set manually.
* AGP: additional settings (Settings -> AGP).
* Show Display with letter when scrolling lists sorted by Title.
* Support Shuffle & Loop buttons for AVRCP BT.
* Improved shuffle history behavior.
* Skip .nomedia tagged directories from scanning.
! Fixed file-based playlist loading.
! Fixed Binding name lost during REBUILD.
! Fixed album art only directories removed from DB.
! Fixed Playlist name lost during Refresh/REBUILD.
! Fixed multi-word lookup.
! Fixed sorting settings reset for Folders on REBUILD.
! Fixed section's SETUP not working sometimes.
! Fixed SETUP not working for Playlists entries.
! Fixed double playback bug.
! Fixed playlist UI level not restored.
! NEON: optimized crossfeeding filter.
* iTunes-like shuffling with history.
* Improved metadata guessing from filename/path.
* Possible metadata for A2DP (AVRCP) Samsungs (tested and worked on GT-I9100, ICS 4.0.3).
* Support unsynchronized frames for ID3v2 (may add missing art).
! Fixed rotation for pads.
! Disable AUTO-DSP by default.
! Avoid private Unicode characters.
! Fixed progress not updated ever 1 sec on widgets.
! Fixed JPG album art not loaded if JPG has errors.
! Fixed JPG corrupt image could cause crash.
! Fixed APE tags parsing when no ID3v1 tag present.
* Will auto-switch to DSP effect depending on connection type (Settings -> Headset/Jack -> AUTO-DSP): headphones >> Crossfeed, ext.speakers >> Surround.
* New option to ignore tags inside WAV (Settins -> Database -> NOTAG WAV).
* Improved UI orientation handling.
* Improved guessing of title, album, artist from filename.
! Fixed CUE could not be loaded as individual file.
! Fixed Vorbis comments not storedin DB by title, album, artist.
! Fixed crash on AU files.
* Started work on Landscape mode.
! Fixed audio playback stability & quality (removed OpenSL ES support being Android OS side problem on some but many devices).
! Fixed MOD, XM, S3M support.
! Fixed crash on UNBIND EQ.
! Fixed crash during some ID3v2 tags parsing.
! Fixed 'Eval' version expiring earlier.
* Support album art for OGG and ID3v2.2.
* MONO audio output mode.
* Start Neutron service by headset button (on/off: Settings -> Headset -> AUTOPLAY).
* 12H clock mode (Settings -> UI)
* Normalizer will save queue and restore it automatically on app start.
* Huge performance gain for NEON opt version (web).
! Stability/functionality fixes for ICS (test: GT-9100).
! Fixed file-based playlists can't be loaded (iTunes export).
! Improved interaction of EQ preset invocation and EQ sliders.
! Faster UI load.
! Fixed norm. gain reset for on UI enter.
! Fixed ReplayGain not read in ID3v2.3 UTF16x version.
! Other smaller fixes & improvements.
* Ability to sort groups (Genre, Album, ...: long press -> SETUP).
* List entries won't accelerate under finger when are being moved.
* PNG/BMP album art support in MP4 tags.
* Support for album art in APE tags.
* Support URLs insise M3U and others if playlist is on SD/storage.
* Better current position restore.
! Fixed crash on service exit if Service setting OFF causing service restart instead of exit.
! Fixed UI not loaded on incoming call and blocking further player updates.
! Fixed Replay Gain used along with normalized gain.
! Fixed Replay Gain not shown on Display.
! Fixed APE tags support.
! Fixed graceful exit on Power Off.
! Fixed EQ Preset & Normalize not used for file-based playlist entries.
* Create binding automatically for directory with exported Queues.
! Fixed 1-st track of CUE not playing if .cue contain not exact music file name.
! Fixed DB Cleanup - not all directories deleted.
! Fixed EQ bindings reset on Binding REBUILD.
! Fixed crash on UI re-enter when roller moving.
! Fixed rare crash on some filenames with broken name encoding LATIN <> UTF-8.
* M3U, PLS, XSPF playlists support (old Playlist meaning renamed to Binding!).
* Ignore PLAYLIST/FOLDER/SONG (long-press: on entry - IGNORE, on top-level group - UNIGNORE).
* MP4 ALS, NSV formats support.
* XSPF playlist support.
* Album art support for MP4.
* Do not delete Queue on DB Refresh.
* Export Queue to M3U8 file-based playlist to /NeutronMP/playlists folder.
! Fixed 2 songs playing simult. in some occasions.
! Fixed playlists encoded with UTF-16 BE.
! Fixed tags encoded with UTF-16 BE.
* Last.FM scrobbling (install Last.FM app, enable in Settings -> UI -> Scrobble).
* Save current playlist position and track progress on exit.
* Alternative DB location: /sdcard/NeutronMP.
* Split Headset -> AUTOJACK to: AUTO STOP/PLAY.
* Support for CUE Sheet built into tags (FLACs).
* Save Queue on stop/exit.
* Single music entry can be ENQUEUEd now.
* Improved EQ presets handling.
! Fixed multi-file CUE Sheet.
! Fixed /Removable path not seen on TF101.
! Fixed Unicode path wrongly shown.
* EQ Low/High band filters got Q tunable.
* Will save position in Playlist screen.
! Fixed UI graphics broken due to OpenGL drivers bug in 1.44 for some devices (Dell Streak, HTS Desire HD,...).
* ICS support.
* Custom PLS/M3U support from ext. file manager.
* Keep screen ON when power is ON (Settings -> UI -> POWERLOCK).
* Individual track looping for CUE.
* Сrossfading of looped track.
* Long-press on Preamp, Playback Mode.
! Fixed texture artifacts on Tabs.
! Fixed orientation on Tabs.
! Fixed wrong gain on UI enter during normalized track.
! More stability for low-mem devices.
! Performance/memory improvements (codecs/gfx/UI).
* Normalize feature (only for Albums with EQ Preset): re-master track after EQ.
* Use device buttons: SEARCH, REWIND, FAST FORWARD.
* LOOKUP for songs.
* Fast scroller with first title letter display for groups.
* Preset's EQ params can be edited directly (EDIT button).
* Support for DTS format (.dts).
! Fixed LOOKUP for non-Latin.
! Fixed rotation bug for some devices.
! Fixed /mnt not shown on some OS versions.
! Fixed EQ Preset handling for first track.
! Fixed track not looped if FADE is ON.
* EQ Presets: press on top of EQ bars, or Settings -> EQ Presets.
* EQ Preset can be assigned to Album (invoke Album prop. screen -> BIND/UNBIND EQ button for currently used EQ preset).
* Textual lookup for: Albums, Artists, Genres, Folders (use LOOKUP button).
* Can rename Playlist, URL.
* Can create URL manually (use NEW button).
* Multi-lang. UI: added Russian lang. (Settings -> Interface Lang.).
* Fine-tunning of EQ with text. input (press on Freq, DB, Width value).
* Optimized performance.
* Linked hardware volume controls to Neutron UI: by default master GAIN slider is now changing hardware gain, to get software GAIN slider (as before) goto Settings -> Audio Hardware -> uncheck HW GAIN.
* A2DP Bluetooth functionality can be disabled by Settings -> Headset -> A2DP setting, for those who are having problems attaching non-audio BT devices.
! Fixed frequent crash in 1.41.3 update.
* Can ignore group of files using Folder mode (long-press folder...).
* Will prefer higher res album art.
! Fixed ignored files are back in DB after REBUILD.
! Fixed UI entries of album not visible if album played fully and stopped.
! Fixed album art displayed on URL.
! Fixed UI entries rarely overlaped in Folder mode.
! Fixed wake time not displayed in power-off mode after UI re-entering.
! Crash fixes:
- entering UI from power-off mode
- screen swipe
- other rare situations
! Fixed APE.
* UI re-design and functionality changes:
- art and main swapped [Settings -> UI -> SWAP MAIN]
- static playback controls in art screen [Settings -> UI -> HIDE CTRL]
- buttons graphics
- color intensity
- bigger font size in Settings
- album art fade in/out on change
* Double-press on headset button will cause NEXT event.
* Single file playback mode (when track is finished player stops).
* Aded EQ gain to [Settings -> EQ].
* Support for TTA, MLP, TrueHD formats.
! Other fixes.
* Folder mode:
- additional entry in Playlist screen below Streaming group,
- 2 modes: all folders with audio files, directory structure.
* Additional Android 4x1 widget: Mini.
* Fast seeking by long-press on NEXT/PREV buttons (period in Settings -> UI).
* Playing URL will display name as Title.
* Wake icon on Display.
! Fixed EQ band width not set if >1.
! Fixed rare crash during scanning due to attempt to open non-audio file.
! Switching off LOOP [T] will cause GAPLESS message reappear.
* Support for streaming audio:
- Internet radios (find with Internet browser and open with Neutron);
- Most streaming formats and protocols;
- Streaming playlists: M3U, PLS, ASX, RAM;
- Direct URLs to audio files;
- Streaming group in Playlist.
* Additional grouping by album for Artists / Genres.
* Fast scroller for song lists (>25 entries).
! Fixed EQ sometimes is OFF on UI re-enterance.
! Fixed rare crash on bad PNG.
! Fixed CUE for >1 filenames.
! Fixed playback sometimes gets stopped.
* New Queue feature: allows to queue music groups (Artists/Albums/Genres), new entry Queue is in the Playlist root screen.
* More album art in Playlist/Albums list (obtained from tags).
* Will create default playlist automatically if none created on UI entry.
* Performance improvements when using effects.
* Thai language support for tags.
! Fixed rare bug (Android related) when playback gets stopped suddenly.
! Fixed crash on playlist creation.
* Asynchronous saving of Settings to avoid UI freezing.
* Improved press area of small buttons in UI.
* Implemented global Balance (Settings -> Audio Hardware).
* Better performance of lists.
! Fixed album art not displayed correctly in widget.
! Fixed Settings -> Art Pulsation not saved.
! Fixed skipping on single-core CPU on Gingerbread (Galaxy S, ...).
! Fixed inability to turn off the screen when UI active.
! Fixed notifications handling.
! Fixed rare deadlock on UI re-enter.
* Improved music files scanning speed, now 500 files take around 1-2 seconds on GSII!!!
* Playlist, if checked, will be autoupdating on Neutron's start.
* Use OS wallpaper instead of Neutron's background stars (Settings -> UI).
* Album Art displayed in Playlist for albums.
* UI can be used as lock screen (Settings -> Lock Screen).
! Fixed music parsing/sorting bug.
! Fixed playback looping on last track when LOOP not active.
! Fixed ext. file not playing.
! Fixed play controls not sliding out.
* Added Headset Setup option in Settings.
* Added Media Buttons support (BT/Wired Headset).
* Anchors (bars on left/right side of screen) if pressed are causing screen switching to left/right.
* Art screen controls: pressing up/down arrows will cause album art images changed.
* Some improvements to UI behavior.
! Fixed UI incompatibility with Sony Ericsson XPERIA devices introduced by 1.34 update.
! Fixed speaker audible for 1 second if wired headset is removed during playback.
* Added ability to set ringtone from music entry (long-press on entry, press SET AS button)
* Will delete playlist with proper progress message.
* Improved performance of internal database (will speed up playlist refresh/create).
* Service is ON by default (revert to old behavior using Settings).
! Fixed rare bug when Neutron does not drop CPU consumption after 3 minutes of Idle.
! Important stability fixes (reason of this delta release).
* Implemented ABC Lookup tool for Playlist UI to move by Artist/Album/Genres entries by pressing on letters they begin with (located: right-bottom, partially invisible).
* Implemented widget- Neutron Display (Android OS widget): album art, track info, progress.
* Refreshed style of widget- Neutron Mini to co-operate with Neutron Display and renamed it to Neutron Controls.
* Improved idle/active states management for easier use of Neutron when outside of its UI.
! Fixed different small bugs.
! Hot fix for Froyo.
* Implemented accelerated UI item lists.
* Implemented manual refreshing of playlist (press new button REFRESH on Playlist #N entry to refresh the playlist).
* Implemented Equalizer fine tunning in Settings (accessible through Settings dialog, MENU button). This feature is for PRO audiophiles only, better stick to default setup if you are unsure about these settings).
* Fixed UI ANR on re-enter using Notification due to double intent of notification bug in Android OS.
* Fixed rare crash on Playlist screen.
* Fixed deleting the playlist (DB not cleaned, UI logics).
* Fixed occasional crash when UI is exited with BACK button and device is rotated in the same time.
* Implemented support for True gapless playback of CUE and separate music files (NOTE: your music files must be encoded as gapless as well!).
* Implemented Control widget with Play/Next/Prev buttons on Landscape screen (to activate tap on right side of screen, 1/3 of screen size).
* Added EDIT button to Playlist #N control panel which allows to select/deselect directories.
* Improved item lists scrolling (no ocasional activations anymore).
* Improved randomness of Shuffle.
* Some visual UI improvements.
* Fixed licensing (per account) not working without Internet.
* Speed up playlist when music database is big (>2000 music entries)
* Pressing and holding EQ button on Main screen will invoke Equalizer setup dialog.
* Pressing and holding Fade/EQ/Crossfeed buttons will not cause button switch, e.g. will only open dialog.
* Implemented crossfading. To activate it: enter to FADE setup (through SETTINGS by pressing HOME button, or by long-press on FADE button), activate CROSSFADE button. If music supports crossfading display will show CROSSFADE.
* Fixed FADE for CUE music (next song was silent).
* Unified UI of setup dialogs.
* Implemented CROSSFADE support for SHUFFLE mode.
* Implemented CROSSFADE support for CUE tracks.
* Implemented 'Loop Per Track' mode (CUE track not supported yet).
* Implemented Loop setup dialog (accessible by long-press on LOOP button, or through Settings menu).
* Fixed memory leaks caused by Java wrapper and Android OS specific issues. On some devices it could cause badly responsive buttons of UI after several re-entering into UI.
* Implemented crossfading Next/Prev asynchronous track switching (CROSSFADE mode must be active).
* Play/Stop/Next/Prev buttons are asynchronous now.
* Added notice 'REFRESH DB' to Display when user pressed REFRESH button on Playlist #N entry to refresh music database manually.
! Fixed individual file (when it was started from Android's File Manager) when stopped could not be played back.
! Fixed track not rewound if PREV button pressed on individual file or very first track of the play list.
* Will display error dialog and request to exit if storage is unmounted (when device storage is shared with PC for example).
! Fixed crossfading Next/Prev malfunction if playlist was on first/last tracks.
! Fixed playback interrupted if Prev buton is pressed on last track of non-looping playlist.
! Fixed error dialog not showing button Exit.
! Fixed error dialog cancelled with BACK button.
! Fixed rare Java crash on Null when Neutron is starting.
! Fixed rare crash on crossfading track switch.
* Unicode tags: support for Asian languages (tested: Chinese, Korean, Japanese), font face depends on Android OS and not limited by Neutron version.
* Unicode tags: support for Arabic language.
* Re-enabled alternative installation places (due to user complaints).
* Enlarged tag's font of Display on Main screen.
* Added bit-rate on Display (small/large).
* Some minor UI improvements.
! Fixed crash if sound is muted and needs re-sampling (non 44.1 kHz audio).
* Implemented support for additional audio formats:
- WMA, AC3, AAC, M4A, M4B, M4R, MP4, 3GP, 3G2, MOV, APE, ALAC;
- iTunes inclusive except DRM-protected;
- CUE sheet support is automatic for all new formats.
! Fixed support for extended Latin languages used in CUE sheet (French, German, ...).
! Fixed crossfading not working when UI is invisible
! Fixed switching to next track after re-enter into UI
# Discontinued support for slow ARMv5 CPUs and devices.
* Implemented crossfading behavior for song switch using playlist play buttons.
* Implemented support for MP3 format containing video data (produced by TubeMate for example).
* Implemented support for WavPack format (.wv) including CUE.
* Implemented audio playback of video formats - MPEG and AVI.
* Improved rare audio formats loading.
* Improved performance of audio stream creation (speedup playlist creation/refresh).
! Fixed rare crash on parsing tags of CP1251 codepage by new codec library.
* Implemented Ambiophonic R.A.C.E. DSP feature (access it: Settings -> Stereo DSP -> enable R.A.C.E, then tune it)
* Added support for formats: Wavpack, Musepack, 12/20-bit FLAC
* Added sliding in/out Play controls on Album Art screen
* Implemented instant seek (tap on seek bar to jump to new position)
* Improved UI rendering performance
* Improved Crossfeeding setup dialog by allowing to hear changes being made in real-time
! Trying to avoid deadlock of GEQ (not displayed) on multi-core CPUs
* Implemented presets for Ambiophonics sound surround (8 presets accessible through Ambiophonics DSP setup dialog).
* Stereo DSP dialog changes are applied once DSP processor gets activated.
* Improved graphic EQ performance.
! Corrected erroneous output of bitrate on some music files.
! Reverted FPS limiting, now it is back to standard 33 FPS.
* Implemented DISCO mode. To activate it: Settings -> User Interface -> set DISCO mode above 0.0. To use it: activate NIGHT mode, or wait auto-lock.
* Implemented Replay Gain (RG) (if music's RG detected then value in Decibels will be displayed on the left side of EQ bars on display).
* Added Replay Gain enable/disable setting.
* Added Resampling settings: fast, quality, audiophile.
* Added UI setup dialog: FPS is now tunable.
! Fixed Graphic EQ and RMS bars not displayed on Galaxy S II.
* Implemented 'Instant Play' feature (enabled by default, can be disabled in Settings->User Interface->IPLAY) which auto-loads SONGS plaulist section on Neutron start. Pressing Play/Next/Prev buttons will not lead to Playlist screen if feature is active, but will activate corresponding action instead.
* Improved consistency of DISCO mode if it is active and changes are made through Settings.
! Fixed WAKE Timer not working if SIGNAL is ON.
* Improved performance of MP3 decoder.
* Improved support for MusePack format: SV8.
* Improved UI performance (to improve FPS on Adreno 20x GPUs).
* Improved Input (touch) events handling (to fix laggy input on devices with MSM chipset).
* Improved List UI element behavior.
! Corrected ID3v2 v.3 and v.4 tag support, added support for obsolete v.2.
! Fixed rare crash if player failed opening/reading non-MP3/FLAC/OGG/WAV music file.
! Fixed crash on MPC8 format when music file ends its playback.
* Rewrote MusePack format support. Using official high-quality 32-bit decoder now.
* Implemented support for APE tags in MP2/MP3 files.
* Added 3 Crossfeed presets with possibility to replace them to own settings.
! Fixed East-European/Scandinavian special symbols replaced with Cyrillic in tags.
! Fixed Resampling Setup dialog (FAST mode can't be set).
! Fixed rare crash during Neutron's UI exit with back key or switching off the screen.
* Tag-less files will display filename/path in place of Artist/Album.
* Improved UI rendering performance.
! Fixed MusePack decoder.
* Added AIFF format support.
* Implemented 'Automatic Gain Control' feature: detects overloaded sound and automatically decreases Preamp gain. It is enabled by default and can be disabled in Settings.
* Some UI makeup.
! Fixed not auto-restarting playback when interrupted by incoming call.
! Fixed rare crash on UI exit.
! Fixed dynamic scrolling of Settings dialog.
* Implemented fancy 3D Cosmos widget as player background. Enjoy outer space look and feel, a long way to Neutron star :)
* Added BMP image format support for Album Art.
* Improved Album Art jitter.
* Fixed genre 'Chill-out' to be displayed as common 'Chillout'.
* Fixed genre words capitalizing.
* Implemented 'Auto Headset' feature (disabled by default, in Settings): automatic playback start/stop on wired headset insertion/removal.
* Implemented Song dialog: Playlists -> Playlist #N -> long-press on Song entry.
* Implemented ability to delete song from database using new song dialog.
* Extended Playlist #N dialog: added UNSKIP button to clear skip list of deleted songs.
* New Setting in UI section: Disable auto-lock in Portrait mode.
* Improved EQ tunning possibilities by representing Bandwith in Octaves (1/80-10).
* Not rescaling display for 480x854 (Sony XPERIA X10,...) devices for better UI quality.
! Fixed playback starting when incoming call is finished and Neutron was not playing previously.
! Fixed crash on WAKE timer if Signal is active.
! Fixed reverse display view shifted if resolution is other than 480x800 (affects Pads also).
* New audio DSP feature: Rumble Filter (ON/OFF in Settings)
* Playlist UI: will follow playback progress
* Support for embedded album art ID3v2/Vorbis
* More UI settings (Settings -> User Interface)
* Support for /Removable/MicroSD and /Removable/SD root directories
* Setting to switch on/off Wake Lock
* Asynchronous DB parsing (yet manual)
! Fixed rare crash on frequent UI switch on/off
! Fixed rare bug when both landscape/portrait modes are displayed
! Playlist performance improvements
* Touching display will cause playlist be shown.
* Will recognize album art stored in: cover/scans directory inside directory with music.
* Improved Bluetooth handling: connecting BT will cause player to relink to BT communication.
* UI Playlist improvements.
! Fixed playlist entries correctly shown while playing.
* Pressing the Display when in Playlist screen changes it to Main and vice-versa.
* Playlist UI improvements.
* Fixed memory leak on UI re-entrance.
* Fixed playlist UI.
* Slider with playback controls will auto slide-in on album art/portrait screens entry.
* Improved speed of large MP3 files (>100 Mb) seeking.
* Root directory is now '/mnt' that allows to select non-standard mount paths.
! Fixed crash on UI exit if player is loading.
! Fixed rare crash on UI exit right after progress bar was touched.
* Added a-law, u-law, qcelp, gsm, ima support for MOV/AIFF formats.
* Added audio hardware setup dialog which allows to adjust hardware latency.
! Fixed infrequent crash on UI exit.
! Fixed AIFF format: 8,24,32,64-bit playback.
! Fixed incorrect playlist shown for Playslists section.
* Added ability to show/hide Android toolbar (in Settings, UI section).
* Implemented full screen spectrum analyser (to invoke: rotate device to landscape mode, press on spectrum bars).
* Implemented visual EQ sensitivity (in Settings, UI section).
* Added support for Real Media (.rm, only audio).
* Improved list entries movement/response.
* Other small improvements.
! Fixed playback controls appearing on POWER OFF.
! Better performance of DB/Playlist core.
! Various crash fixes.
* New UI setting: on/off auto-rotation.
* Better rendering performance.
! Fixed: not going into Idle mode if stopped and UI is re-entered.
! Fixed: entry deletion from Playlist #N entry
! Fixed: playlist UI screwed after entry is deleted and PREV button used
! Fixed: UI Setup dialog