Neutron Player is able to analyze Tempo/BPM of any track in the library! You might wonder, - what is the practical use of this functionality?

Well, for example if you like to listen to the music during a workout, the last thing you would want is to get a next track with the relaxing music while you would want quite opposite. Tempo/BPM Analysis feature solves this by analyzing BPM of the tracks and introducing a Tempo category in the media library tree with the results.

There are many web articles advising this or that BPM for different activities, for example:

  • Workout, power yoga: 100-140 BPM
  • Relaxing yoga, Pilates and similar: 60-90 BPM

For the workout the useful BPM range is around 130, therefore the [Allegro] sub-category would be the best match. If you want something more fine-grained then there is an [All Tempo] category which groups tracks by a single BPM value (not range), so you could long press 120-130 BPM entries and push them either to the playlist or to the Queue. Every sub-category of the Tempo category is a group of tracks, therefore you can always long press it and execute the desired action.

Tempo/BPM analysis can be launched from the top-level list of the settings for the whole media library (all tracks, if you select them all with +), some tracks or just for an album if you long press album entry inside the Albums category.