Android: Directly from the developerPayPro Global is an alternative license outside the Google Play Store. The application package (APK) is downloaded, installed or updated manually. Get APKs in the Download section. The license is linked to the email address you provide when purchasing. License is verified via the Neutron Console. License is valid for the unlimited number of downloads, installations and updates. Refunds are not possible but you can always download, install application package and test it for 5 days (trial period) for free. |
Android: Huawei AppGallery (direct alternative to Google Play Store)Neutron Player and Recorder are available in the Huawei AppGallery store via the in-app purchase mechanism (inside Neutron -> settings -> Help -> Buy Now). Huawei AppGallery can be installed on any Android device running Android 5+ and thus it is a good universal alternative to the Google Play Store. License is valid for the unlimited number of downloads, installations and updates for the lifetime of your Huawei ID account. |
Android: Samsung Galaxy AppsNeutron is also available in the Samsung Galaxy Apps store via the in-app purchase mechanism (inside Neutron -> settings -> Help -> Buy Now). Please note that such purchase is valid only on devices with Samsung Galaxy Apps application installed. Thus the best universal alternatives for Android platform are Google Play, PayPro Global and Huawei AppGallery. |
Apple: App StorePurchase is done according to the standard Apple App Store terms via the App Store client application. License is valid for the unlimited number of downloads, installations and updates for the lifetime of your Apple account. |
Windows Win32: Directly from the developerWin32 version is unlimited Windows app offering: fast scanning, Direct USB Acces, ASIO, VST3 effects. Installer can be found in the Download section. The license is linked to the email address you provide when purchasing. License is verified via the Neutron Console. License is valid for the unlimited number of downloads, installations and updates. Refunds are not possible but you can always download, install application package and test it for 5 days (trial period) for free. |
Windows UWP: Microsoft StorePurchase is done according to the standard Microsoft Store terms via the Microsoft Store client application. The license is valid for the unlimited number of downloads, installations and updates for the lifetime of the Microsoft account. It is UWP application and can be installed only via the Microsoft Store. |
BlackBerry: BlackBerry World (OBSOLETE)Note: On 1st of April, 2018 BlackBerry officially removed all paid applications from the BlackBerry World app store. Neutron's distribution via the BlackBerry World is discontinued automatically as a result. If you lost your purchased copy of Neutron Player and are not able to restore it from BB World, try side-loading BAR package of the last officially released version of Neutron in BB World (2.01.1): PlayBook, BB10. |
General: Purchase transfer from one platform to anotherIt is not possible to transfer purchase from one platform to another, app stores do not provide such possibility or interface to the app developers. More details are here. |